Ravana O'Brien and crew are lost in hollow worlds, where technology has become mediaeval...
"Heathen machines?" retorted Ravana. She patted the robot. "Smiler is a Gods of Avalon reject. With lots of extra useful programming, courtesy of a drunk wizard called Vali Malone. Our faithful metal smilodon populator with very sharp teeth."
"He’s a good kitty," Artorius piped up. "Smiler eats monster spiders for breakfast."
"You’re confusing her," said Ostara, frowning.
"I know!" Ravana said gaily. "It’s fun being the alien from another world! Why can’t we be open about who we are?" she countered, with a withering glance to Felix.
"Another world?" hissed Mehetabel.
Back home, incompetent mercenaries Namtar and Inari are being idiotic as always...
"Is he alright?" asked Bellona, stepping past the groaning Inari.
"No, he is an imbecile," snapped Namtar. "I live in hope that dropping him on his head might knock a modicum of sense into him but his thick skull resists reform."
"I ain’t thick," muttered Inari, climbing to his feet. "Just big boned."
But Ravana's and Ostara's friends haven't given up the search...
"We must find them!" urged Endymion. "Can we follow through the portal?"
"We should go to Fort Smith and look at the very least," Quirinus insisted.
"Back among giant spiders?" Cethlenn shivered. "Must we?"
"The Federation’s probably shot them all by now," Endymion said wryly.
Meanwhile, it's not easy being strangers in a strange world...
"One day we’ll meet someone pleased to see us," grumbled Ostara.
"Who says they’re not?" suggested Ravana, as the ramp thudded down. Outside the Platypus, the slave drivers were angrily waving their clubs. "Oh. Never mind."
"You there!" the first yelled gruffly. "Come out with your hands in the air!"
"Yeah!" cried the second. Their tatty piratical garb looked like cast-offs dumped by the Black Bess’ crew. "We don’t want to hurt you."
"Nah, we like hurting," snarled the first, meeting the Platypus crew’s stares with a crazed glare. "That’s why General Leah gave us this…"
And much, much more!
CHAPTER TITLES: Prologue: The wanderer returns / Flight of the phoenix / Missing presumed dead / Temple of Athene / Voyage of the tree ship / Needle in a haystack of black / Goddard City / Let them eat cake / Allies and assassins / Relative dimensions in space / Homeward bound / The moons of Shennong / Trial of a watcher / Paw-prints of the gods / Above the moon of Lingbao / The battle for Yuanshi / The secret of the other hollow moon / Deus ex machina / Epilogue: Forever in space and time.
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