HOLLOW WORLDS (Hollow Moon #5) ebook is out now!
Welcome to WyrdStar, my website for books and music. This site contains information on all titles self-published under my WyrdStar Books imprint (mainly my own science-fiction space opera series), other interesting bits and pieces, plus an episode guide on the influential (to me, anyway) cult BBC TV show Blake's 7.
This website also hosts information on musical endeavours: the Prozakville Records label and Ditch the Demon releases; Hastings-based acoustic duo Atomic Twitten; rock-opera project Aphroditus; and the late-lamented Danse Macabre, a London folk-rock cabaret band. Thank you for visiting! Steph.
The WyrdStar website was first conceived by yours truly using Microsoft FrontPage Express on an ailing 1999-vintage PC running Windows98 (don't laugh). Which is why these pages are styled like internet relics from the last century; the valves in the steam-powered difference engine which powered the original Prozakville Matrix could not cope with much more. I think it's cute! The website has since been updated to 'smartphone-friendly' standards... Steph.
CREDITS: Coding tips & tricks were culled from W3 Schools; quirky 'Alphakind' header font is by Khurasan; cool social media icons are by Alfredo.
Cookie Policy: This website does not use cookies. Steph, on the other hand, is very fond of cookies (particularly the white chocolate chip variety) and all donations of such are gratefully received.